Wiring Simplified Book is revised and completely updated for the 2008 National Electric Code, this small manual continues its 75-year history of demonstrating how to install safe, convenient, and economical wiring. Encouraging readers to tackle jobs small and large, the guide covers everything from repairing a table lamp to wiring a whole house. After introducing the basics—standards, codes, safety practices, and an overview of how electricity is measured and delivered—chapters show how to design a layout for lights, switches, and receptacles; run a line from a utility pole; install wires, circuits, and grounds; and handle special projects such as replacing old wiring and wiring detached garages and accessory buildings.
New and Used Copies Available
- Author: Herbert P. Richter, W. C. Schwan, W. C. Schwan, F. P. Hartwell, F. P. Hartwell
- Publisher: Park Publishing, Inc.
- Pub. Date: March 01, 2008
- Edition Number: 1
- Price Varies
- Rating: 5 of 5 Lightning Bolts -    